Editing, Leadership, & Team Building

The Edits Process
All stories that are uploaded to our website undergo an extensive editing process to ensure quality and accuracy. Each story has five rounds of edits it must complete: Section, Copy 1, Copy 2, Copy 3, and Proof. Section and Proof are read by the corresponding section editor. Copy 1 is edited by our copy editors and our management team. Copy 2 is just our management team and Copy 3 is our advisers. These edits are centralized on our publication's Slack channels.

During my time as Editor-in-Chief, I've prioritized giving in-depth constructive criticism, focusing largely on both structural issues of the story, but also the technicalities within word choice and AP Style errors. With the story above, I focused on the structure of the opinion story, suggesting that the story move a counterpoint to the end of the editorial to better enhance its flow and readability.
Sports Editor
Tackling the role of sports section editor in my first year on staff was a daunting task; I had to learn how the publication worked while managing others older and more experienced than myself. So, as I figured out the ropes, I prioritized contributing the way that I knew how, through organization. As a sports editor, my co-editor and I pioneered the usage of a physical tracking document to ensure that all the writers in my section where meeting their quotas.

As I grew more confident and found my footing, I aimed to become a resource for others as well. For example, I worked with my feelow sports editor to do a mini-lesson on game reviews, teaching basic protocols and practices for success.